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Currently we have trainings in two places, in Szandaszőlős and at the Waldorf school. The trainings are open for both adults and children (from grade 5).

On this page, you can see when the next training takes place and if any are cancelled. Before you go to the training, please check this page.


Szandaszőlős: Sunday 11.00-12.00

Gorkij út 47

​From spring to autumn, hardball (and softball) trainings on the football pitch behind the primary school, if the weather is good. These trainings are mainly for secondary school students and adults, but anybody can come. No costs. 



Waldorf iskola: Friday 15.00-16.00

Balogh Béla út 14​

​​In the school gym of the Szolnok Waldorf school. These trainings are mainly for the children attending the Waldorf school. Due to the size of the gym and the number of players, it is quite crowded and I advise everybody else to join the trainings in SzandaszÅ‘lÅ‘s instead. 

Trainings are free.




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